Star Wars: Tormentor Class Imperial Battlecruiser Update

Starting in on the greebling along the trench. I’m trying to make each greeble individually and not just copy and paste the same 5 or 6 that was my previous effort. So this is taking much longer, lol. The guns are just there as placeholders while I figure out their final placement.

Star Trek: USS Excalibur – Update

I was looking this model over the other day and I decided I didn’t like the engines I had come up with for the refit Excalibur. I wanted something that would indicate that this ship was repaired at a time just before the major advances seen in the refit Enterprise. I wanted this model to show upgrades in their early stages that would be fully realized in the Enterprise.

Star Wars: Tormentor Class Imperial Battlecruiser

This is the latest version of this model that I’ve been working on for literally years. It’s meant to be a bridge between the Venator and Imperator classes. I imagined this as something that would have been brought into service towards the end of the clone wars, and then the prequels came out and ruined the clone wars for me, but I digress… Anyway, this is smaller than an Imperator but bigger than a Venator, I’ll get more accurate dimensions later. And yes, I know it hasn’t got any engines yet.

Star Wars: Imperial TIE Avatar Update III

Added some brake lights, not sure why they have them, they’re probably supposed to be something else but that’s what they look like to me. Also started adding some greebling and detail lines here and there.

Since I just posted this and I don’t want to clutter up the page with a bunch of posts about the same thing I’m just going to tack on the latest pics here…

Battlestar Galactica: Galactica Redesign

Did a small amount of work on this model today. Mainly just rebuilt the hangar pods, and worked on the engines a little. Mostly it’s just a lot of tweaking here and there to get the shape to look right to me. Since it’s a redesign I don’t have to worry about accuracy but it still has to look right proportionately. Considering how many unfinished models I have, I really don’t have any business tinkering with this one, once you start greebling this is going to be as complex as a Star Destroyer…

Star Wars: Imperial TIE Avatar WIP

Some people bashing The Empire Strikes Back, the GREATEST STAR WARS MOVIE EVER, motivated me to finally get back to polishing up my old Star Wars models. So here’s the progress on the Avatar. This was supposed to be a post-ROTJ fighter, I’ll have to dig up the write up I did for it on the original site and post it with the updates. Mostly I’ve just worked on rebuilding the cockpit and struts, the wings are untouched at this point except for the cannons.